The ARC Hub Programme is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union under two European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Regional Programmes - the Southern, Eastern and Midland Regional Programme 2021-2027 and the Northern and Western Regional Programme 2021-2027.  


The goal of the ARC Hub Programme is to establish a new model for regional innovation and entrepreneurial training, that will catalyse a step-change in the translation of cutting-edge publicly-funded research toward impact at a regional level. The ARC Hub Programme will enhance and accelerate the commercialisation of research to create new products, processes and services. The realisation of the overall national programme will be through the establishment of regional ARC Hubs focused on specific thematic areas that will be aligned with the respective regional strategic priorities and the ‘National Smart Specialisation Strategy for Innovation 2022-2027’ (S3).  

The primary objectives of the ARC Hub programme is:   

  • To drive regional development by accelerating novel, cutting-edge research, towards commercial impact readiness, in areas aligned with Ireland’s Smart Specialisation Strategy.
  • To develop a cohort of entrepreneurial scientists and engineers with the skills to realise commercial opportunities from research activities.   
  • To enhance and accelerate the translation of research to impact through the commercialisation process.  
  • To successfully transition Research Ireland-funded research projects into existing national and international closer-to-market supports, as appropriate. 

Deadlines Dates

ARC Hub Programme - Northern & Western Region 2024 Call: CLOSED 

ARC Hub Programme - 2023 Call: CLOSED 

The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) aims to promote economic, social and territorial cohesion across all European regions. The ARC Hub Programme will support the following ERDF objectives: 

  • Policy Objective 1: A more competitive and smarter Europe by promoting innovative and smart economic transformation and regional ICT connectivity. 
  • Specific Objective: Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies. 

The primary objectives the ARC Hub programme are:  

  • To drive regional development by accelerating novel, cutting-edge research, towards commercial impact readiness, in areas aligned with Ireland’s Smart Specialisation Strategy. 
  • To develop a cohort of entrepreneurial scientists and engineers with the skills to realise commercial opportunities from research activities.  
  • To enhance and accelerate the translation of research to impact through the commercialisation process.   
  • To successfully transition Research Ireland funded research projects into existing national and international closer-to-market supports, as appropriate. 

The ARC Hub will be led by a Hub Director (Lead Applicant) with support from a group of Co-PIs (Co-Applicants). Research and commercialisation activities will be supported by an Operations Team. The team will undertake activities such as agile project management, administration, scouting and business development, marketing, promotion of ARC Hub and communications. Their active and expert management of the research portfolio will ensure that projects are shaped for success from the earliest stages of the R&D pathway. 

The ARC Hub award will include a translational research budget, which will be used to support researchers who have identified novel research opportunities that can be accelerated towards rapid commercial impact. At application stage, it is expected that the ARC Hub applicants will present a programme of research that has strong potential for commercialisation and provides assurance of the level of demand for an ARC Hub in the proposed thematic area, as well as the potential for impact and achievement of the performance indicators. In addition to those projects approved as part of the application for funding, the translational research budget awarded to the ARC Hub may support follow-on funding for successful projects, as well as being used to support new projects during the lifetime of the ARC Hub that are deemed to be high quality research projects with commercial potential.   

The ARC Hub will be funded under the Northern & Western Regional Programme (covering Galway, Mayo, Roscommon, Sligo, Cavan, Monaghan, Donegal, and Leitrim). The ARC Hub will be hosted by a lead Research Body located in the Northern & Western Region, but it will be multi-site and can involve collaboration with other eligible Research Bodies both in the Regional Programme area and in other Regional Programme areas in Ireland.   

The budget for this initiative will be provided by the Government of Ireland and the European Union. This funding is available through the ERDF Northern and Western Regional Programme 2021-2027 to fund an ARC Hub with a maximum budget of €26.67 million (excluding overheads) over a period of 54 months. Funding is timebound such that awards will begin in 2025 and run to the end of 2029.  

As an ERDF co-funded operation, the ARC Hub must operate in a specific thematic area aligned with the existing and emerging sectoral areas of strength of the Northern and Western Region, as identified in Ireland’s Smart Specialisation Strategy (listed below). Applicants will be expected to articulate how the proposed Hub aligns with a priority sector for the Northern and Western region, as well as the potential to benefit the region through economic development and innovation diffusion. 

  • Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering  
  • AgriFood and AgriTech  
  • Audiovisual/Creative  
  • ICT and ICT services  
  • Life Sciences, MedTech and Medical Devices  
  • Marine and Blue Economy  
  • Renewable Energy, Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainability 

Prior to peer-review, each application will be assessed by Research Ireland to ensure it is eligible in terms of both the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) criteria as well as Research Ireland eligibility criteria. Full details on the programme eligibility are available in the ARC Hub call document.  

The criteria set out by Research Ireland for the Lead Applicant and Co-Applicants in terms of employment status, qualifications and general experience is outlined below. 

In summary, the Lead Applicant (Hub Director) and Co-Applicants must: 

  • Be a member of the academic staff of an eligible Research Body (permanent or with a contract that covers the period of the grant),  


A contract researcher with a contract that covers the period of the grant, who is recognised by the Research Body as an independent investigator and will have an independent office and research space at the host Research Body for which the researcher will be fully responsible for at least the duration of the Research Ireland grant,  


An individual who will be recognised by the Research Body upon receipt of the Research Ireland grant as a member of the academic staff or as a contract researcher as defined above. The applicant does not necessarily need to be employed by the Research Body at the time of proposal submission. 

  • Have held a PhD or equivalent qualification for at least eight years by full proposal submission. 
  • Have been a senior author on at least ten international peer-reviewed articles.  
  • Have demonstrated research independence through securing at least one independent research grant as a lead investigator or as co-investigator. 
  • Have the experience, capability and authority to mentor and supervise postgraduate students and team members. 
  • Be hosted by an Eligible Research Body. A list of eligible national Research Bodies is available here. Please note, the Research Body of the Lead Applicant must be located within the Northern and Western Region for this call.  

Applicant groups intending to submit a full proposal application to the ARC Hub call must submit an abstract to ie no later than the 22nd July 2024, 13:00 Dublin Local Time.  

Any full proposals submitted where an abstract has not been provided will be rejected without review. A template for submission of an abstract can be found below. 

Full proposals are to be submitted via SESAME, Research Ireland's online grants and awards management system. If accessing SESAME for the first time, applicants should contact their local Research Office to get access to the system.  

For more information, view the ARC Hub Call document (see downloads) and SESAME User Guides. 

Call announcement: 17th June 2024  

Deadline for abstract submission:  22nd July 2024, 13:00 Dublin Local Time 

Deadline for submission of full proposal: 23rd September 2024, 13:00 Dublin Local Time 

Panel review: Late January 2025 

Funding decision: April 2025 

Webinar Information

The ARC Hub Programme webinar June 2024 is availabe here.

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ARC Hub Programme Webinar

Awarded ARC Hubs

Two ARC Hubs have been established and are co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the ERDF Southern, Eastern & Midland Regional Programme 2021-2027. These Hubs cultivate a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship supported by processes that will operationalise and scale opportunities, ultimately bringing transformative new products, processes and services to market.

The ARC HUB for Therapeutics logo

Led by Trinity College Dublin, the ARC Hub for Therapeutics accelerates translational research in the fields of small molecule therapies, biological therapies, biomaterials, biomarkers with therapeutic potential and in advanced therapy medicinal products. 

Led by TU Dublin, the ARC Hub for ICT accelerates translational research in ICT and AI to commercialisation, aiming to drive digital transformation across healthcare, education, infrastructure, sustainability, and data management.