Establishment of Taighde Éireann - Research Ireland
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  1. Royal Society - SFI University Research Fellowship

    The Royal Society - Science Foundation Ireland University Research Fellowship is for outstanding scientists in the Republic of Ireland who are in the early stages of their research career and have the potential to become leaders in their field.

    • Deadline — 10 September 2024, 15:00 Dublin Local Time
    • Award amount —
    • Duration — up to 8 years
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    about Royal Society - SFI University Research Fellowship
  2. SFI-Defence Organisation Innovation Challenge

    Enabling the development of solutions to Defence Organisation challenges

    • Deadline — 6 September 2024, 13:00 Dublin Local Time
    • Award amount —
    • Duration —
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    about SFI-Defence Organisation Innovation Challenge
  3. SDG Challenge

    Supporting transdisciplinary research teams addressing global challenges

    • Deadline — 8 October 2024, 13:00 Dublin Local Time
    • Award amount — An overall prize award of €1M
    • Duration —
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    about SDG Challenge
  4. SFI ARC Hub Programme

    Accelerating Research to Commercialisation

    • Deadline — Abstract: 22 July 2024; Full proposal: 23 September 2024
    • Award amount —
    • Duration — 54 months
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    about SFI ARC Hub Programme
  5. SFI Research Centres Programme

    SFI’s vision is the development of a dynamic, cohesive and streamlined ecosystem of SFI Research Centres that are international beacons of scientific excellence, bringing together a critical mass of outstanding researchers to collaborate at a scale that will yield national and international impact.

    • Deadline — Pre-Proposal Deadline: 13 December 2023; Full-Proposal Deadline: 25 September 2024
    • Award amount —
    • Duration — 8 years
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    about SFI Research Centres Programme
  6. EPSRC-SFI Joint Funding of Research

    EPSRC and Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) have entered an agreement to welcome, encourage and support research applications that cut across national boundaries involving collaborative teams led by researchers from the UK and Ireland.

    • Deadline — Rolling
    • Award amount — up to €500,000
    • Duration — up to 5 years
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    about EPSRC-SFI Joint Funding of Research
  7. SFI Frontiers for the Future Programme

    Supporting excellent independent researchers

    • Deadline — Projects 2024 CLOSED; Awards: OPEN rolling call
    • Award amount —
    • Duration — Awards 4 - 5 years; Projects 2 - 4 years
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    about SFI Frontiers for the Future Programme
  8. SFI Research Centres - Spokes

    This programme is a vehicle to enable the addition of new industrial and academic partners and projects to a SFI Research Centre, so allowing the Centre to expand and develop in line with new priorities and opportunities.

    • Deadline — Rolling
    • Award amount —
    • Duration — 1 - 5 years
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    about SFI Research Centres - Spokes
  9. SFI Discover Programme - Opportunistic Funding Mechanism

    The Science Foundation Ireland Discover Programme Call aims to support and develop science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) education and public engagement sector in Ireland by: investing in, developing and extending activity and ability in this area, and exploring and encouraging novel means of engaging the public

    • Deadline — Rolling
    • Award amount —
    • Duration — 1 year
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    about SFI Discover Programme - Opportunistic Funding Mechanism
  10. SFI Strategic Partnership Programme

    Supporting strategic collaborations

    • Deadline — Rolling
    • Award amount —
    • Duration — 1-5 years
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    about SFI Strategic Partnership Programme