Section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act 2014, requires FOI bodies to prepare and publish as much information as possible in an open and accessible manner on a routine basis outside of FOI, having regard to the principles of openness, transparency, and accountability. This allows for the publication or giving of records outside of FOI provided that such publication or giving of access is not prohibited by law.

Do I need to make an FOI request to get information from SFI?

No - it is not necessary to make a FOI request to get information from SFI. A considerable amount of material is already made available to the public through our website, publications and in response to enquiries.  If you would like information about the records that are covered by the FOI legislation, please send an email to

How do I make an FOI request?

When you make a request you must submit the request in writing to the email address below and set out the records you are looking for.

  • You should specify that the request is being made under the FOI Act
  • Be clear about the records that are being requested
  • When you are seeking information which is personal, you will be required to supply the appropriate identification before such records could be released

Do I pay fees?

There is no set charge for personal or non-personal requests. However where a large number of records are involved other charges may be applied for the time spent finding and retrieving records (€20 per hour) and for any photocopying costs incurred by SFI in providing you with the material requested (€0.04 per sheet).

It is unlikely that such fees would apply in the case of requests for personal information and some requests are exempt from a fee.   Section 27 of the FOI Act provides for the applicable fees, including the thresholds and caps that apply.  If you would like further information, please contact us via the email address below.

Fees apply in the case of an internal review and also for appeals to the Office of the Information Commissioner concerning access to non-personal records. There are reductions for medical card holders.

Fee list for internal review / appeal to the information commissioner

  • €30.00 internal review fee - non personal requests
  • €10.00 internal review fee (medical card holders)
  • €50.00 appeal to the Information Commissioner
  • €10.00 appeal to the Information Commissioner (medical card holders)

How soon can a person making a request for records expect a reply?

A request for records must be acknowledged within two weeks and, in most cases, responded to within four weeks. A week is defined in the Act to mean five consecutive weekdays, excluding Saturdays and public holidays (Sundays are also excluded as they are not considered weekdays). If a third party is involved, there may be another three weeks before a response issues.

How can I get further information or make an FOI request?

Please contact us at


Science Foundation Ireland sets out its quarterly Prompt Payments Report in accordance with its obligations under the 15 day Prompt Payment Rule which came into effect on 1 July 2011.


Quarter 1 Prompt Payments (Jan-Mar) 2024

Quarter 2 Prompt Payments (April-June) 2024

Quarter 3 Prompt Payments (July) 2024


Quarter 1 Prompt Payments (Jan-Mar) 2023

Quarter 2 Prompt Payments (April-June) 2023

Quarter 3 Prompt Payments (July-Sept) 2023

Quarter 4 Prompt Payments (Oct-Dec) 2023


Quarter 1 Prompt Payments (January-March)

Quarter 2 Prompt Payments (April-June) 2022

Quarter 3 Prompt Payments (July-Sept) 2022

Quarter 4 Prompt Payments (Oct-Dec) 2022


Quarter 4 Prompt Payments (October-December)

Quarter 3 Prompt Payments (July-September)

Quarter 2 Prompt Payments (April-June)

Quarter 1 Prompt Payments (January-March)


Quarter 4 Prompt Payments (October-December)

Quarter 3 Prompt Payments (July-September)

Quarter 2 Prompt Payments (April-June)

Quarter 1 Prompt Payments (January - March)


Quarter 1 Prompt Payments (January-March)

Quarter 2 Prompt Payments (April - June)

Quarter 3 Prompt Payments (July - September)

Quarter 4 Prompt Payments (October - December)


Quarter 1 Prompt Payments (January - March)

Quarter 2 Prompt Payment (April – June)

Quarter 3 Prompt Payments (July – September)

Quarter 4 Prompt Payments (October – December)


Quarter 1 Prompt Payments (January - March)

Quarter 2 Prompt Payments (April - June)

Quarter 3 Prompt Payments (July - September)

Quarter 4 Prompt Payments (October - December)


Quarter 1 Prompt Payments (January - March)

Quarter 2 Prompt Payments (April - June)

Quarter 3 Prompt Payments (July - September)

Quarter 4 Prompt Payments (October - December)


Quarter 1 Prompt Payments (January - March)

Quarter 2 Prompt Payments (April - June)

Quarter 3 Prompt Payments (July - September)

Quarter 4 Prompt Payments (October - December)


Quarter 1 Prompt Payments (January - March)

Quarter 2 Prompt Payments (April - June)

Quarter 3 Prompt Payments (July - September)

Quarter 4 Prompt Payments (October - December)